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UI With fp-ts

A tiny-tiny UI library that uses JSX and fp-ts to make for easy, small UIs.

Elm-like Style

Every ui-ts application is built with the following building blocks:

  • A State type, which holds the global state of the application
  • An Event type, which represents the different possible events that may occur (usually with ts-adt)
  • An initial variable, which is the initial State of the application
  • A render function, which takes the current state and a trigger callback, and returns the HTML to render to the screen (using JSX)
  • An update function, which returns a new state based on the previous state and an event

Calling UI.createApp with all of these returns an App, which can then be run with UI.runApp or UI.runWithRoot.

Get Started

You can use the CLI to initialize a new ui-ts project, using npx ui-ts.